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On a holidaymaker’s recent visiting Scotland’s Loch Ness, he claimed to have captured an image of the fabled monster, Nessie, with his camera. 

The man, John Payne, 55, from Newport, Wales, was staying at the Foyers Roost guest house with a view of the water when he spotted a mysterious shape with a “huge” neck floating on the loch on April 9. 

Keeping an eye on the anomaly, he quickly reached for his camera and took several snaps.

Later that day, Payne went down to the loch, but the creature was nowhere to be seen. 

Upon closer scrutiny, he noticed that the photos showed a mysterious creature floating on the surface, and he realized just how similar his photo was to other pictures of Nessie. 

So rare was his sighting in the area that even the locals working at the hotel were shocked. Payne noted that the mysterious shape must have been large in size, given the distance from his accommodation to the loch.

He stated, "You wouldn’t have been able to see a bird or anything from that far away – it had to be something large." Describing it, he explained, "It was like a huge neck." He apparently zoomed his camera in, waiting to see if the creature would reappear, giving him a second opportunity at a shot, and much to his delight, it did, per Edinburgh News.

Payne is not the only one to have seen the “monster” making its rounds in the loch. According to Eoin O’Faodhagain a local in the area, he had seen it 20 times since 2017 and is convinced beyond all doubt of its existence.

The Loch Ness Monster has been the stuff of legends for centuries, with many stories of a mysterious creature with a long neck and dinosaur-like features floating around the Scottish loch. Despite interest from folklorists around the globe, conclusive evidence has never been found. 

And despite numerous sightings and expeditions in search of the creature, there has yet to be any conclusive evidence that proves the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Be this as it may, many continue to believe in its existence and this new photo is just another reason to keep searching.

Side note: On this day (May 2) 90 years ago the first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster was made.