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Los Angeles (Knewz) — While children and adults both contract COVID-19 at the same rate, children are far less to be symptomatic, a new study found.

But, the scariest part of the data from New York City and Utah conducted by Abt Associates for the CDC is that it does not encompass the Delta variant period.

Based on weekly molecular testing of 310 family households between September 2020 and mid-April 2021, it was determined that approximately half of the COVID-19 cases in children and teens were asymptomatic, versus 12 percent of the adult cases.

What's more, fever was a rare symptom among both groups, suggesting that temperature checks may be a weak method for detecting the presence of the disease.

In households with one or more infected individuals, the infection risk was found to be 52 percent, reinforcing the idea that transmission within a home or apartment is common. The Abt Associates tracking found a higher rate of asymptomatic cases among children than previous studies, which may be attributable to the fact that it applied more rigorous and systematic regular testing methods.

"These new findings about the prevalence of infections in children have important implications for group settings such as sports activities and school," says Jazmin Duque, Study Lead for the Abt-Coronavirus Household Evaluation and Respiratory Testing report. "COVID-19 vaccines for children 5 to 11 will be really important because infected children can transmit the virus to the most vulnerable populations, such as grandparents. If families routinely test and stay home when positive, this will really help prevent the spread of COVID-19."

According to Duque, a majority of the participating families enjoyed participating in the study, which suggests at-home weekly testing of children is feasible as a larger applied practice.

The Abt study, done with help from Columbia University and the University of Utah, continued until the end of August, 2021, so no doubt further results will be shared. The household evaluation project run by Abt also tracks frontline workers, pregnant women, retirees and hospitalized adults over 50 years old.