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Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey,  is seeking the public’s help in naming its latest little blue penguin born shortly before Valentine’s Day.

The hatchling is the third to arrive at the facility this year, has learned.

It’s a girl! Meet the latest baby blue penguin hatchling to join the colony at Adventure Aquarium in Camden, N.J. Born on February 12, the aquarium has listed four Valentine’s Day-themed names and is asking for the public’s help to choose one.

Voting is currently open through Tuesday, March 12 on the aquarium’s website. The public is being asked to pick from the following names:

  • Lovie
  • Rose
  • Valentina
  • Venus

On February 27, the aquarium posted on its Instagram page: “BABY BOOM ALERT! Adventure Aquarium is excited to welcome THREE healthy new hatchlings into our little blue penguin colony. These chicks are a welcome addition to the Aquarium family and important ambassadors to their species!”

All three new hatchlings are female. The first hatched on January 26 (Australia Day) and was named "Bananas Foster." The second was born on February 6 and named "Kiwi."

Kiwi is an apt name given that Little Blue Penguins – also known as Little Penguins and as Fairy Penguins in the Southern Hemisphere – hail from the coasts of Australia and New Zealand. The “blue” in their name comes from the slate-blue/black color of their feathers – which will become evident once this chick grows older. They also have white chins and chests and bluish-gray eyes.

The first Little Blue Penguin on the West Coast hatched on New Year’s Day at Birch Aquarium in San Diego, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. “These penguins are super special and then to finally be able to hatch one successfully and raise it … this is a big deal for us,” Kayla Strate, assistant curator of birds at the aquarium told the Tribune.  “I still can’t believe how adorable it is.”

In a statement from the aquarium,  Executive Director Harry Helling said, “Birch Aquarium has significantly expanded its breeding and conservation efforts over the years. The hatching of our first Little Blue Penguin chick is a major milestone for how today’s aquariums can make a difference in a changing planet.”

Little Blue Penguins are the smallest of the 18 penguin species found around the world. They grow up to 15 inches tall and weigh no more than 2-3 pounds. They take around 33 to 37 days to hatch and can live up to 20-25 years.

According to Sea World, the fastest they can swim is about 1.6 mph, and they rely on burrows and a nocturnal lifestyle to avoid predators such as swamp harriers, peregrines, gulls, snakes, rats, and lizards.

The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 makes it illegal to harm, or in any way interfere with, a penguin or its eggs. Every penguin specimen collected with a permit must be approved by and reported to the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR). Penguins are vulnerable to habitat destruction, overfishing of primary food sources, ecological disasters such as oil spills, pollution such as trash in the ocean, and human encroachment into nesting areas.