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Los Angeles (Knewz) — How did a Higgins Boat that belonged during World War II to the USS Monrovia commanded by General Patton wind up at the bottom of Shasta Lake in Northern California?

That is what local U.S. Forest Service personnel are trying to figure out after sharing news of their discovery. This is no ordinary boat. In a 1964 interview, former President Dwight Eisenhower declared that “Andrew Higgins is the man who won the war for us.”

The boat was actually first spied by the agency in the fall of 2021, when Shasta Lake waters were low due to drought conditions. The U.S. Forest Service plans a meticulous restoration process.

“This boat is referred to as 'The Ghost Boat,'” the agency explained. “It really is quite remarkable how it emerged from the lake with so many stories to tell. Any 'restoration' will be done to preserve as much of the integrity of the boat as possible and will hopefully preserve it in a weathered 'combat fatigue' look, and that is how it is intended to be displayed at a museum in Nebraska.”

The detective work has already begun in the comments to the U.S. Forest Service's Facebook post. One longtime resident, Clyde Johnson, said he remembers several military craft like the boat at Shasta Lake resorts in the early 1960s. “The wakes the one at Lakehead created were the scourge of any nearby boaters and skiers,” he recalled.

Another local, Michael Livingston, offered up the interesting twist that the boat might have been formerly owned by the U.S. Forest Service. “I worked out of Turntable Bay at the Government Docks in 1976,” he recalled. "The Forest Service operated two landing craft out of there then.”

“One was a WWII vintage boat and the other was built in 1966,” he added. “They used them to move heavy equipment to areas of the lake that had no road during fires. I wonder if this is the older boat.”

It very well could be. In any event, such a boat would have likely been acquired once upon a time at a military surplus sale.