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While most people spend January trying to start a new year on a positive foot, they also may want to take extra care not to die

Statistically speaking, the first month of the year is the deadliest, with January 1 being the single most dangerous day of the entire year, has learned. 

January is the part of a seasonal trend of people becoming increasingly more likely to die in winter months, according to the Washington Post, which analyzed 66.8 million deaths going back to 1999. 

December is the fourth deadliest month, followed by the leader in January and then February and March ranking as second and third, respectively. 

The seasonal differences are stark, as 20% more people typically dying in January than in August, which is the safest month to be alive. 

Roland Rau, a demographer, told the Post that the death trend does not emerge until we reach middle-age because our bodies are less able to withstand the environmental conditions and cannot cope with cold weather as well. 

He added that the cold month swings are attributed to causes of death like heart disease and respitory infections. Other diseases like cancer don’t show any seasonal trends. 

Influenza easily had the largest swing in deaths by season, but that is likely because it is so ubiquitous during the winter and not because it is particularly dangerous, based on a chart published by the paper. 

Pneumonia showed a major seasonal swing and Alzheimer’s was notably more deadly during the winter. 

While heart disease did not show as large of a swing as an illness like influenza, its status as the leading cause of death in America means small swings equate to a large number of people.

Heart disease is consistently deadlier during the winter because our blood vessels contract when it is cold outside, which makes the heart work harder and increases the likelihood of clotting. 

This means that, for those at risk of heart attack or stroke, it is more likley to be triggered during colder months. 

Exercise can play a crucial role in combatting this trend, as we often tend to hide from the weather inside, so taking the extra effort to get the blood moving can make a major positive impact. 

Covid-19 was also deadlier during the winter, although the months themselves were a slight outlier from the general data, with November and December rising the ranks compare do February or March. January is still the deadliest month for Covid-19 patients.  

Accidents and injuries did not show any relevant change according to the time of year. 

One particularly interesting anecdote is that Alaska, with its long days during the summers and endless nights in winter, showed the least amount of seasonable variability. States further south, like Texas, California, and Georgia, experienced the highest changes in seasonal death rates.