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For years, the British Metropolitan Police have repeatedly—and it seems willfully—chosen to ignore accusations made against serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Was it in a bid to cover up his associations with the cream of the British establishment, including the Queen’s second son, Prince Andrew? In the third part of our investigation —Click Here for Part 1and Part 2 of our investigation — we uncover just how catastrophic that cover-up could prove… for the Prince, for the Met, and for British national security.

Part Three: Information is King

The links between Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew are long-lasting and well-documented—and yet, even after Epstein’s arrest in July 2019, the Metropolitan Police have failed to launch a formal investigation into the ninth in line to the throne’s association with the pedophile.

Additionally, they’ve never investigated his right-hand-woman Ghislaine Maxwell, whose trial begins in a New York City courtroom in late November. Instead, it has been left to news reporters to reveal just how close the three were.

The circumstantial evidence alone is damning.

  • Epstein and Prince Andrew reportedly met in the 1990s after being introduced by Maxwell. At the time, Maxwell was the financier’s girlfriend.
  • A photograph, said to have been taken in 2001 at Maxwell’s London home, where Giuffre alleged her first sexual encounter with the prince occurred, was made public. The image showed Prince Andrew grinning with his arm around the 17-year-old’s midriff; Maxwell, also smiling, was in the background.
  • A court filing in the U.S. alleged that Epstein forced Giuffre “to have sexual relations” on three separate occasions with “a member of the British Royal Family, Prince Andrew (a/k/a Duke of York).”
  • The court was told the encounters not only happened at Maxwell’s London home, but also on Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands as part of an “orgy with numerous other under-aged girls”.
  • Encounters between Epstein and Prince Andrew, some of which British newspaper The Guardian corroborated by flight logs for Epstein’s private planes, stretch back more than a decade.
  • They include parties at Windsor Castle and Sandringham, the Queen’s Norfolk estate, an exclusive dinner in St Tropez and a holiday in Thailand when Andrew was pictured on a yacht surrounded by topless women.
  • Prince Andrew’s most controversial meeting with Epstein occurred in New York in December 2010. That was less than two years after Epstein had been released from prison. He was, at that stage, a registered sex offender and the pair were seen strolling through Central Park, deep in conversation.
  • During this same trip, The Duke of York was spotted peering around the door of the billionaire’s Manhattan home on December 6, 2010, in a photo taken less than an hour after Epstein left the house with a young blonde woman.
  • We don’t know what Prince Andrew was doing at the mega-million-dollar townhouse; if he is to be believed, it was to “to put an end to the friendship.” Pressed on reports that many young girls were coming and going from the house at the time, he replied “I never saw them.”
  • In 2011, it was revealed that Epstein paid Sarah Ferguson's former personal assistant Johnny O'Sullivan £15,000 at the request of Prince Andrew, which reportedly “allowed a wider restructuring of Sarah's £5 million debts to take place.”
  • Unsealed court documents from 2015 relating to a defamation lawsuit against Maxwell, Epstein’s alleged madam, also contain allegations against Prince Andrew. Reports from The Daily Beast state that the documents contain allegations from a woman named Johanna Sjoberg, who claims that Andrew groped her breast at a party at Epstein's home.
  • That same year, in my book Dead Men Tell No Tales, a fourth woman was allegedly pimped out to Prince Andrew, according to Epstein employee Deidre Stratton. She said that the mysterious young blonde woman was tasked with “entertaining” the royal during a never-before-revealed visit to Epstein’s mysterious New Mexico compound, Zorro Ranch. “I had to serve him. I’m guessing 2001. Three days, maybe,” she recounted.

Yet still there has been no action from the British police.

Meanwhile, in the London riverside headquarters of MI6, British intelligence agents have looked on with horror as they began to realize the threat of incriminating evidence of the Prince’s activities with Jeffrey Epstein—including his alleged 2001 tryst with Giuffre—could be in Russian hands.

It would certainly fit the Vladimir Putin playbook.


The story of John Dougan, a former U.S. Marine and Palm Beach County Florida Deputy Sheriff, illuminates one of the most disturbing geopolitical trends of our time—Russian President Putin and his secret service’s use of political asylum to get kompromat against their opponents around the globe—and the failure of Western authorities to confront it.

Soon after National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden began his life of Russian asylum, Dougan fled to Moscow. The year was 2016 and he, too, was granted political asylum.

Among mounting international concern that the Kremlin is brazenly interfering in Western politics, the use of political asylum is a thorny issue for countries like Britain and the United States. In the last 20 years, only 15 people have been given this form of protection, telling insomuch as it's a raw yet potent power of Putin to provide exile to American dissidents.

But there has been reticence from the West to respond to Russia—and in the case of Dougan, deafening silence.

The reasons for such reticence, one ex-national security advisor told, range from a wish to avoid diplomatic crises, to altogether shadier motivations, including a desire to preserve the billions of Russian money that pour into our banks and real estate industries each year. Worse still, a hesitation to not interfere with the activities of the Russian state and Russian-organized crime in the West.

Put simply, the U.S. government official said, the Russians have become the world superpower and “the consequences of pissing them off could be dire”—especially with Putin having committed to work with the Taliban since its takeover of Afghanistan and the end to the American occupation. “One nuclear weapon in the wrong hands… think of the consequences,” added the insider.

MI6, for its part, have been watching Dougan and Russia with mounting alarm.

“I fled to Russia after American intelligence agencies raided my home because I had exposed the rampant corruption and racism within the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office,” he previously said.

Dougan has claimed—without significant evidence, it must be acknowledged—to be in possession of the Epstein and Maxwell blackmail tapes … covert recordings that Epstein supposedly made of rich and powerful men with underage girls. If so, those tapes (which he claims are encrypted) are well within The Kremlin’s grasp.

“I will not be divulging any of the information I may know of or possess, because the secrecy of the data I have access ensures the safety of me and my loved ones,” said Dougan in 2019.

“I hope the growing concerns and reports about Jeffrey Epstein’s international sex-trafficking empire, and his relationship with the rich and powerful people like the Duke of York, will generate official and news media investigations which will uncover all the facts.”

Not long after releasing that statement, Dougan took matters into his own hands, inviting U.S. journalist Ron Chepesiuk to review the materials and confirm their existence.

Bill Clinton Joined Convicted Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell On Two More Undisclosed Trips Outside Of The Country Than Previously Known

A longtime friend of Dougan, Chepesiuk flew to Moscow on September 24, 2019. There, according to Chepesiuk, Dougan cracked open the Epstein files for the very first time.

“He just wanted to verify,” Chepesiuk told investigator James Robertson, a co-author on our 2019 book, Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

“He suggested it and I said, ‘It’s to verify that they have something there.’ He said, ‘I’m not going to show it to you long.’”

What happened next shocked the journalist.

“It was less than five minutes, and a couple of random scenes from the thing,” he said. “It was obviously surveillance tape of a bedroom and there were a couple of younger, may even have been underage, I don’t know, they were very young.

“It was far away and it looked like it was coming from a wall… it looked like surveillance in a TV show. So, I just assumed that it was coming from a camera probably facing, on a wall.

“There were some older men and I didn’t look at them. It was very hard to see it from afar. I wanted to, but they were definitely dealing with some sex, you know? So that was it.

“Then he closed it up, and took it again and saved whatever he was doing. I didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to have the responsibility of trying to identify people—I wasn’t really interested in trying to identify people.

“I just wanted to look at it and verify that it was what it looked like, surveillance tapes.

“(It was) pretty disgusting. (I) didn’t want to be a voyeur… that was it. It was verified, and that was it. I guess he (Dougan) wanted to have somebody else say that he had them.”

Never has a senior member of the Royal family faced accusations of criminal sexual assault. Never before has the Metropolitan Police faced such compelling accusations of deliberately failing to investigate an alleged crime in order to protect the Royals. And never before has that failure threatened to have such dire consequences for Western security.

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell could be a watershed moment for the British establishment.

Faced with the very real prospect of being named as a co-conspirator, the behavior of Prince Andrew could even threaten the House of Windsor’s reign… and at the very least provoke a huge cultural shift in attitudes to the rich and powerful acting with impunity.

And it won’t only be Andrew in disgrace: the Metropolitan Police will face the same shellacking, with SDNY prosecutors prepared to highlight the inadequacies of their counterparts in the Britain.

As for Putin… he’ll be watching with interest – and perhaps a smile too.

Prince Andrew’s representatives have declined to comment on Giuffre’s lawsuit. In a 2019 interview with the BBC, the beleaguered royal denied ever meeting Giuffre.

Dylan Howard is the co-author of Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales. His sequel, with Melissa Cronin and James Robertson, titled Epstein & Maxwell, Inc.: How the US Government Helped Make Spying, Sex Trafficking, and Blackmail Big Business is out later this year.