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Los Angeles (Knewz) — In 2021, 10 people have been executed in the United States by lethal injection, with another, Bigler Stoufer Jones II, scheduled to join that list Dec. 9.
For a majority of one group of Americans, this is seen as an equitable way to punish convicted murderers. According to the latest Gallup “Crime” poll, 77 percent of registered Republican voters are in favor of this punishment, compared to just 34 percent of Democratic voters.
Once Independent voters, who sit in the middle at 55 percent in favor, are added in, the support for the death penalty averages out to 54 percent. It's only fallen below 50 percent in four years over the decades Gallup has been regularly conducting this poll – 1957, 1965, 1966 and 1971. (And once previously, in 1967, the level of support was also 54 percent.)
The highest support historically for the death penalty came in 199 when 80 percent of Americans said they were in favor of it. Since then, support gradually declined until it leveled off starting in 2017.
One tricky thing about the 2021 Crime survey (conducted Oct. 1-19) is that it omitted a question asked in some of the previous polls. When asked in 2019 if life in prison without the possibility of parole was a better alternative than the death penalty, 60 percent of respondents said yes, compared to – that year – a 56 percent vote of support for the death penalty.
There was a less but still significant split among age groups this year on the topic. Older Americans (35 and up) favor the death penalty at a slightly higher rate than the overall average, 59 percent, while younger Americans (18-34) are well below it, at 41 percent.