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A massive volcano taller than Mount Everest has been found on Mars by astronomers who say it could be sitting atop concealed glacier ice.
The discovery presents new possibilities in the search for life beyond Earth, has learned.
"A deeply eroded giant volcano, active from ancient through recent times and with possible remnants of glacier ice near its base, had been hiding near Mars’ equator in plain sight," researchers from the SETI Institute said in a press release on Wednesday, March 13.
Provisionally dubbed "Noctis volcano" until a permanent name is established, the monstrosity lies just south of the planet's equator in the eastern part of an area called the "Tharsis volcanic province."
“We were examining the geology of an area where we had found the remains of a glacier last year when we realized we were inside a huge and deeply eroded volcano,” Dr. Pascal Lee, a planetary scientist with the SETI Institute and the Mars Institute based at NASA Ames Research Center, and the lead author of the a study on the findings, said.
Features like elevated mesas, lava flows and a collapsed crater hinted at the presence of the volcano, which had been obscured by erosion and fracturing over time.
“This area of Mars is known to have a wide variety of hydrated minerals spanning a long stretch of Martian history," Sourabh Shubham, a graduate student at the University of Maryland’s Department of Geology, and a co-author of the study, said. "A volcanic setting for these minerals had long been suspected. So, it may not be too surprising to find a volcano here. In some sense, this large volcano is a long-sought ‘smoking gun.'"
The Noctis volcano measures 280 miles wide and more than 29,600 feet tall, surpassing the height of Mount Everest, which stands at a little more than 29,000 feet high.
"The volcano’s gigantic size and complex modification history indicate that it has been active for a very long time," the SETI Institute's release said.
Based on the discovery of a field of blister-like mounds hinting at breaches in the volcanic blanket, the team suspects glacier ice remains in the southeastern region of the hidden giant.
This "blistered terrain" forms when explosive steam vents out of a thin layer of hot volcanic material sitting atop water or ice, the experts explained.
"This combined giant volcano and possible glacier ice discovery is significant, as it points to an exciting new location to study Mars’ geologic evolution through time, search for life, and explore with robots and humans in the future," the SETI Institute astronomers said.
The researchers said they plan to continue studying the volcano to pinpoint its age more accurately, and to determine whether it is still active and may erupt again.
"And if it has been active for a very long time, could the combination of sustained warmth and water from ice have allowed the site to harbor life?" the researchers ponder.
Their findings were presented at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas.