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Swiss researchers have discovered that approximately 3 percent of individuals who received the Moderna (mRNA) Covid vaccine have experienced "silent heart damage," has learned.

According to a recent study published in the European Journal of Heart Failure, tens of millions of people worldwide may have suffered heart injuries without realizing it.

The researchers surveyed 777 employees at the esteemed University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. These employees had already been scheduled to receive mRNA boosters and willingly underwent a blood test for troponin levels three days after administering the vaccine.

Troponin is a protein that the heart releases when it is injured. Although the vaccinated individuals did not exhibit obvious signs of heart damage, blood tests revealed high levels of troponin in many recipients.

The study highlights that "subclinical mRNA vaccine-associated myocardial injury is much more common than estimated based on passive surveillance." In other words, the active surveillance conducted by the researchers revealed a significantly higher prevalence of heart damage compared to the passive surveillance systems, such as the federal government's VAERS, which rely on individuals or doctors reporting adverse effects.

Of the jab recipients, 40 individuals had highly elevated troponin levels, surpassing the 99th percentile for average women and men.

Notably, 70 percent of these individuals were women. After carefully excluding any plausible non-jab explanations, the researchers found that 22 individuals, or approximately 1 in 35 of those tested, had been injured by the Moderna jab.

Additionally, the study identified a striking disparity in heart damage between genders. While 20 of the injured recipients were women, only two were men. Adjusting for the larger number of women tested, the study suggests that women were nearly five times more likely to have elevated troponin levels.

This finding contradicts other studies that have shown young men to be at the highest risk for mRNA-induced myocarditis and pericarditis, acute heart inflammation.

The researchers emphasize the potential long-term consequences of even minor cardiac injuries. Unlike organs such as the liver, the heart cannot regenerate damaged muscle tissue.

A 2016 long-term study revealed that, over time, individuals with rising troponin levels faced a significantly higher risk of heart failure and death.

Although the researchers referred to the damage as "transient," further tests were not conducted to determine the trajectory of troponin level declines or how quickly these levels might return to normal.

The study, the largest of its kind, joins two previous blood test studies conducted in Israel and Thailand, all indicating higher rates of damage than passive surveillance vaccine safety systems. The researchers stress the need for additional active surveillance studies.

Most crucial findings regarding mRNA safety have reportedly originated from researchers outside the United States, despite Moderna and Pfizer being American companies and the United States administering the majority of mRNA shots worldwide.