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Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospital have uncovered a significant breakthrough in diabetes research. has learned that a new study identifies a novel cause for diabetes development that points to a potential cure.
The research centers on the enzyme SNO-CoA-assisted nitrosylase (SCAN) and its role in the body. The study was first published in the journal Cell.
The team discovered that this enzyme attaches nitric oxide to proteins, including those crucial for insulin response, per Case Western Reserve University.
This is significant because diabetes is characterized by improper insulin response leading to elevated blood sugar levels which by extension (when untreated) leads to other maladies.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes:
“With diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it as well as it should. When there isn’t enough insulin or cells stop responding to insulin, too much blood sugar stays in your bloodstream. Over time, that can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.”
The recent study, however, found that by blocking the SCAN enzyme, individuals were protected against diabetes, suggesting a promising avenue for treatment.
Lead researcher Jonathan Stamler explains: “We show that blocking this enzyme protects from diabetes, but the implications extend to many diseases likely caused by novel enzymes that add nitric oxide.”
These findings are significant as excessive nitric oxide binding to critical proteins is also associated with Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and heart failure.
Additionally, the study indicated that an overactive SCAN enzyme is present in diabetic individuals, while mouse models lacking this enzyme show resistance to diabetes.
This suggests that an excess of nitric oxide attachment is a potential trigger for the disease
Stamler concluded, “This paper shows that dedicated enzymes mediate the many effects of nitric oxide.”
“Here, we discover an enzyme that puts nitric oxide on the insulin receptor to control insulin. Too much enzyme activity causes diabetes. But a case is made for many enzymes putting nitric oxide on many proteins, and, thus, new treatments for many diseases.”
This study was the result of a collaborative effort by Hualin Zhou and Richard Premont from Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and University Hospitals along with Zack Grimmett and Nicholas Venetos, who are students of the University's Medical Scientist Training Program.
In 2021 there were 38.4 million Americans of all ages that suffered from diabetes and of the statistic, 38.1 million were 18 years or older.
According to the CDC, at the time, an estimated 8.7 million adults were undiagnosed, which translated, equates to 22% of adult America.
The tally also showed that American men are more inclined to suffer from diabetes (15.4%) than women (14.1%).