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Rev. Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach, a member of a Discalced Carmelite Nuns, has been accused of having sex with a priest and in turn accused Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, of violating her rights. The nun has escalated the issue to the Vatican. 

The Fort Worth diocese claims Gerlach violated her vow of chastity and consequently rejected her three requests for legal representation. The local diocese instead appointed canon lawyer Michael J. Podhajsky without her consent or approval.

Thus she believes that Olson overstepped his authority. The nun asserts that he also did so by storming into the nuns' Arlington monastery three times, interrogating them, and seizing their computers and phones while blocking priests from performing Mass. 

To support her allegations, Gerlach is aided by her civil attorney, Matthew Bobo, as the two file an appeal to the Vatican. Bobo passionately claims the nun’s innocence, saying she was interrogated under heavy medication following surgery leaving her unable to recall what she admitted.

Although Podhajsky admits that he is aware of Gerlach's objections to his appointment, he claims he tried anyway: “I’ve done my job to represent her to the best of my ability” he said.

In response, Gerlach and the nuns filed a lawsuit seeking $1 million in damages and asking the diocese to cease their surveillance efforts and stay away from the monastery. 

Fort Worth diocese is attempting to have the lawsuit dismissed by claiming the civil court has no jurisdiction in ecclesiastical matters. 

Canonical lawyers are reviewing the case before the hearing scheduled for June. Gerlach and the nuns have been living in the monastery since 1958 and they look to the Vatican for guidance, not the local diocese.

Gerlach, who requires a wheelchair and uses a feeding tube, also claims she was not provided with an opportunity to choose her own representation for a church inquiry, per the Dallas Morning News.