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Los Angeles (Knewz) — Following the completion earlier this year of USC's expansive “Understanding America Study,” researchers at Florida State University College poured over the data to determine the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on personality.

They focused on five traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Personality self-evaluations of a majority of the “Understanding America” participants, just over 7,000, were parsed from before the pandemic, in 2020 and then again, finally, in 2021-2022.

Overall, the researchers found that while there was no significant increase in neuroticism compared to pre-pandemic levels, there were significant small declines in the other four categories.

The changes were about one-tenth of a standard deviation, which is equivalent to one decade of normal personality change.

“Compared to middle-aged and older adults, the personality of younger adults seemed particularly sensitive to change,” the researchers note. “Personality tends to develop most and consolidate during young adulthood, with the pattern of development toward greater maturity in the form of increases in agreeableness and conscientiousness.”

“Over a year into the pandemic, however, young adults show the opposite of this developmental trend,” they added. “There may be other reasons for the age differences in personality change. It is also possible that different age groups faced different challenges in the second year of the pandemic, such as instability in the job market and school-related stressors.”

Ultimately, the finding that people were less extroverted, open, agreeable and conscientious at the end of the pandemic is a trend many people can confirm anecdotally. The only catch is that the “Big Five Inventory” measures in the "Understanding America Study" were self-evaluations and as such, are not nearly as scientific as third-party, in-person gauging.

Along with age, the other major modifier of the study results was race. The data showed that Hispanic and Latino participants demonstrated sharper negative personality changes during this span than any other group.