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Cocaine found in the White House last summer caused a stir.
However, loose use of drugs in the White House was perhaps the norm in the Trump administration, has learned.
According to Rolling Stone, citing several anonymous sources, many in the Trump administration used speed or Xanax to deal with demanding, stressful jobs.
A report from the United States Department of Defense released in January noted problems with oversight and record keeping when it came to prescribed drugs during former President Donald Trump's time in office.
"We concluded that all phases of the White House Medical Unit's pharmacy operations had severe and systematic problems due to the unit's reliance on ineffective internal controls to ensure compliance with pharmacy safety standards," the DoD wrote.
According to the report, the White House ordered thousands of doses of modafinil, a stimulant that has long been used by pilots needing to stay awake during long missions.
While the report didn't say why so many doses of modafinil were ordered, former senior administration officials told Rolling Stone that they were used to keep staffers awake during late nights or as pick-me-ups when the job got stressful.
One of the sources told the outlet that the White House at "was "awash in speed."
Other drugs — such as Xanax — were also widely used.
“It was kind of like the Wild West. Things were pretty loose. Whatever someone needs, we were going to fill this,” one source with direct knowledge of the matter said.
While Xanax was not mentioned in the Pentagon report, the DoD notes that the report is not a comprehensive list of the controlled substances recorded during the Trump administration.
Further disturbing is the fact that some sources said staffers took Xanax with alcohol.
Some former staffers say the use of controlled substances was the result of attempting to cope with the stresses of working for Trump, whose administration had a revolving door of employees throughout the four years he was in office.
“You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol," one senior official said.
While the White House Medical Unit has handed out prescription medicine to staffers for decades, some say the need for drugs was increased during Trump's administration.
“I think any White House staff knows that overseas trips are very grueling,” Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s former White House press secretary, told Rolling Stone. “For us, you’d be on a flight with a president who never sleeps, and then you hit the ground running in a foreign country, and you have to be alert and ready for the president and other foreign leaders.”
Grisham further said that Dr. Ronny Jackson was readily available on overseas trips.
He “would come around Air Force One asking Donald Trump’s senior staff if they needed anything. This included Provigil and [the sleep aid] Ambien, and he would hand them out, typically in the form of packets with two or three pills in them. When this happened on Air Force One, a nurse would be trailing him, writing down who got what."
Sources explained that the process of prescribing medication was done loosely, with record keeping essentially optional.
The medical unit “work[ed] in the gray… helping anybody who needs help to get this mission done," a source said. “Is it being done appropriately or legally all the time? No. But are they going to get to that end result that the bosses want? Yeah," another said.
The process described by sources is nothing like how prescription drugs are handled elsewhere.
“We tightly track controlled substances like this because they’re addictive or can cause overdoses,” Dr. Beata Lewis, a psychiatrist based in Brooklyn, said. “It sounds like with all of these substances, people could get whatever they wanted. That puts people at risk for addiction.”
“The significant thing is these rules apply to everyone … except for the White House. It’s a culture of entitlement and being above the rules to the point of putting people in danger," Lewis added.
Sources further stated that staffers' medical information was not kept private and that some employees kept quiet while fearing they would get fired if they spoke out.
Rolling Stone notes that the Trump campaign did not respond to an email seeking comment.