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https www researchgate net publication 365668660 figure fig1 AS 11431281099037153 1669195762290 Study population by cytology ASC US HPV mRNA and histology CIN3 for 5 7 years png - 1 Study Population By Cytology ASC US HPV MRNA And Histology CIN3 Study Population By Cytology ASC US HPV MRNA And Histology CIN3 For 5 7 Years https www researchgate net profile Guillaume Penaranda publication 258042471 figure download fig1 AS 195382635175938 1423594258586 Absolute risks of CIN2 A and CIN3 B according to HPV 16 HPV 18 HPV 31 or other png - 1 Absolute Risks Of CIN2 A And CIN3 B According To HPV 16 HPV 18 Absolute Risks Of CIN2 A And CIN3 B According To HPV 16 HPV 18 HPV 31 Or Other

https www researchgate net profile Anna Moscicki publication 51433864 figure fig2 AS 305773608488961 1449913517318 Role of persistent HPV infection in cervical cancer CIN 3 cervial intraepithelial Q640 jpg - 1 Role Of Persistent HPV Infection In Cervical Cancer CIN 3 Cervial Role Of Persistent HPV Infection In Cervical Cancer CIN 3 Cervial Intraepithelial Q640 https www researchgate net profile Mark Evans 13 publication 10713655 figure fig1 AS 196132090191872 1423772942094 Punctate Signals A CaSki cells tissue section 6mm demonstrating HPV 16 DNA Q640 jpg - 1 CIN II Lesion Hybridized With HPV Probe A A CIN II Lesion Hybridized Punctate Signals A CaSki Cells Tissue Section 6mm Demonstrating HPV 16 DNA Q640