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Many wonder why there are so many reported UFO crashes. Well, one UFO researcher believes the reason behind them can be explained easily.
Michael Schratt, who has been investigating UFO encounters for 25 years, says the crashes are the result of the United States military experimenting with alien technology it's recovered, has learned.
According to The Daily Star, Schratt further stated that the crashes also could be from deliberate U.S. military attacks on alien spaceships.
“There is a rogue element of the military-industrial complex that is targeting, tracking and shooting these things down to exploit their propulsion systems, weapons systems and free energy systems applications – that's I think what we're dealing with here,” he told the Disclosure Team podcast.
Schratt said that the aliens' anti-gravity propulsion system is one of the key technologies being used by the U.S. military. He added that it could have been duplicated as early as 70 years ago.
“The witness testimony from military witnesses is telling us that they have made a breakthrough, that we do have man-made ‘UFOs’ and that at the very latest the breakthrough was made in October 1954," Schratt said.
Schratt says the timing justification is based on when academic study of the technology ended, as if there were no longer a need to study it.
“Even that's a very conservative number I'm sure the number goes earlier back in time, but we can pinpoint the divide where it diverged to October 1954.
“So at least by that time this stuff went operational, and they have been able to mimic the form fit and function of what we would term an ET spacecraft. They've now reached the point where you can't tell the difference.”
Schratt claims that many pilots who have encountered UFOs are unaware of what's really happening. He referenced the U.S. Navy pilots who have said they encountered "Tic Tac" objects shadowing the USS Nimitz carrier group.
“Pilots they don't have a need to know,” he said. “They don't have a high enough security clearance. They might claim it's ET and they might think it's ET and they might be 100 percent convinced it is ET but how are they going to know what's going on in the bowels of Air Force plant 42?
“They're just very good Navy pilots but they're not cleared to know what's going on at Air Force plant 42 – that’s a whole different level. We’re looking at a blue-on-blue situation where our pilots are chasing after our own assets, and they don't even know it. That’s what we're doing here.”
Schratt said the entire program is being kept secret, and it uses disinformation to make it impossible to understand what's really happening.
“We're dealing with an intelligence military complex that are experts at what they do,” he claimed.
“These people will stop at nothing to muddy the waters to make you think that we're dealing with an ET craft when in point of fact we're dealing with a military classified black program paid for by sinister means – no congressional oversight, no public scrutiny.”
Schratt said much of the alien technology is actually held by private defense research labs.
“Keep in mind that that the government doesn't do anything at all… their first order of business is to cut a deal with the defense contractors, and they say ‘We don't care how you do it, we don't care what you do.'
"'You’re free and clear to privatize this and you can commercialize it and you can have trickle down technology and make billions off of it all we want to know is the technology and the propulsion weapon system applications – anything else we don't care about you can do whatever you want.’ That's the deal that the government made with the defense contractors.”