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The world has become aware of an orca in captivity in South America, and its plight is drawing a large following on social media. has learned that "Kshamenk" caught the attention of many after former animal trainer turned activist, Phil Demers, posted drone footage on social media - showing one of nature’s most capable animals cooped up in a network of small concrete pools.
The initial slides on one of the videos show the water beast motionless near the bottom of its tank and as the footage played out it showed the animal struggling through a thin channel between the pools.
The scene quickly drummed up ire and was met with comments like: “I just don’t understand government motives why they cannot see that this is not approved by people anymore? That orcas must [be] let free” said one person on Tiktok. “Seriously what is wrong with these places, so they just clock out and don't think about the conditions they are left in,” responded another.
Kshamenk, now 35 years of age, has allegedly been in its restrictive environs since it was put there in 1992 after it washed up on a beach, per Yahoo News Australia.
According to the same video, the orca has been partnerless since its opposite other died in 2000.
The orca’s constrictive home is based at the Mundo Marina which is noted by Wikipedia as Argentina’s “Largest Aquarium”.
Kshamenk is now a popular feature at the establishment as it even has a tab on the website’s front page dedicated to it - and it appears the establishment is aware of the odium surrounding it.
Kshamenk’s page notes: “From Mundo Marino, we want to clarify that the information circulating on social networks about Kshamenk's alleged health problems is false. He is in perfect condition.”
Another observation on the Tiktok notes that a 30-minute time-lapse of the animal shows it completely motionless.
Be this as it may Mundo Marino facility insists that the animal is in good health.
“To reach this conclusion, monthly check-ups are carried out as part of a preventive medicine plan. It consists of blood tests where more than 32 different parameters are observed, samples of gastric content and respiratory fluid are taken [and] 40 macroscopic and microscopic parameters are analyzed. All of these analyses show normal parameters for an orca of her age.”
Seaworld of Hurt (an activistic entity taking part of its name from Sea World) however, was aware of the orca in 2016 and reported that it had a “collapsed dorsal fin.”
The condition, it claims, is common among captive orca males and brought on by stress, injuries, or generally poor health.
The report also noted the animal's psychological and mental abnormalities and stated:
“Deprived of mental stimulation, Kshamenk can often be seen floating listlessly for minutes at a time on the surface of the water—as if he has given up all hope. And why wouldn’t he have?”
The Mundo Marino website tells the story of how this orca got to be with the aquarium. It claims that the Kshamenk was rescued when he was beached at the age of three years along with three bigger males.
The initial four were discovered by fishermen who were unable to help free them and were only able to alert the appropriate authorities hours later.
When the professionals arrived to perform the rescue the adult orcas had left, leaving Kshamenk behind.
South America's only captive orca has been at Mundo Marino facility ever since.