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A new survey has crowned West Virginia the fast food capital of the United States, with around 50 fast food restaurants per 100,000 residents. has learned that Kentucky and Kansas bagged the second and third positions on the list of U.S. states with the most density of fast food chains.

The survey also determined which fast food chains seem to be the most popular across all of America, with Subway grabbing the top spot.

Conducted by the price-checking website Pricelisto, the survey examined the number of popular fast food restaurants in each state and compared this against the state population to see which ones have the most outlets per 100,000 residents.

The survey found that Subway has around 50% more restaurants nationwide than McDonald's.

Twenty-two fast food chains, including McDonald’s, KFC, Taco Bell, Chipotle, and of course, Subway, were a part of the research. Comparing the density of fast food restaurants in each U.S. state, the survey named West Virginia the fast food capital of the nation, with 49.04 fast food restaurants per 100,000 residents.

Of all the restaurants considered in the survey, 868 fast food joints were located in the "Mountain State" alone. Subway, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s were found to be the most popular franchises in the state, with 164, 104, and 72 restaurants, respectively.

The density of fast food outlets in West Virginia has left its mark on the health of its citizens, as obesity has become one of the primary health concerns of the state.

An earlier press release from the West Virginia Department of Health read:

"Obesity is one of the most serious public health concerns facing our state today. Not only does being obese contribute to numerous health conditions that limit the quality and length of life for West Virginians, but obesity places a huge burden on our healthcare system, disables our workforce, and reduces our state’s productivity."

"People of all ages are experiencing increases in weight-related chronic conditions. West Virginia has an epidemic of obesity that is negatively affecting our health, our quality of life, and our future."

A spokesperson from Pricelisto, the website that conducted the survey, also commented on the density of fast food joints in West Virginia, saying, "According to data outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022, West Virginia has the highest proportion of adults with a [body mass index, or BMI] of 40% or greater, and perhaps this data helps to understand why."

"Americans are known for their love of fast food; it combines the convenience of a meal prepared quickly for you with a low cost... While fast food can be a great option, it is important to ensure that our diets are well balanced and that we are getting all of the nutrients we need."

Kentucky, home of the leading fried chicken franchise KFC, came a close second with 47.21 fast food restaurants per 100,000 people. The most common chain in the state is Subway with 362 franchises, which amounts to almost eight restaurants per 100,000 Kentuckians.

Louisville has the highest number of Subway establishments in Kentucky, with 52 outlets.

The gap between Kentucky and Kansas, the third state on the list, is even narrower, with "The Sunflower State" boasting 47.1 fast food restaurants for every 100,000 residents. Pizza Hut is Kansas's second most common chain, with 165 restaurants.

The survey found that Pizza Hut has around 120% more outlets than rivals Domino's and Papa John's, which have a combined total of just 75 locations in this state.

Towards the bottom of the list is Wyoming, which ranked 10th, with 44.34 fast food restaurants for every 100,000 residents, and has 59 Subway outlets throughout the state.