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The world’s oldest and largest crustacean claw was discovered on a beach in Northern New Zealand

The claw is 6 inches long and a new-to-science species, has learned.  

The gigantic, fossilized claw is believed to be 8.8 million years old and scientists say it could be the precursor to the Southern Giant Crab. It was discovered on Waitoetoe Beach in New Zealand’s North Island.

The current living Southern Giant Crab lives off the coast of Tasmania in Australia which can be found off Tasmania and its claw is reportedly 18 inches long and the crab can weigh up to 26 pounds. The fossilized claw discovered is around 6 inches long.

In a paper titled “A new ‘Southern Giant Crab’ from a miocene continental slope palaeoenvironment at Taranaki, North Island, New Zealand,” and published online on February 24 in the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Physics, the researchers note that the specimen now known as the Southern Giant Crab originated in the area millions of years ago.

During that time a series of volcanoes from the Mohakatino Volcanic Centre erupted offshore, which led to the formation of a specific palaeoenvironment.

The claw was found buried in sediment amidst volcanic material and the researchers note that during that period the crabs lived in very deep water. The discovery of the claw is the first evidence that they lived in the regions now known as New Zealand.

As the crab has been deemed a new species, the researchers named it Pseudocarcinus karlraubenheimeri. According to IFL Science, the last name was given to honor Karl Raubenheimer of New Plymouth, North Island, who collected and donated the specimen.

Raubenheimeri was just a teenager when he discovered the claw on the beach in 2008, according to To have it confirmed as a new species, he needed to find five more examples. He told Stuff, “You can’t do just one, it took me quite a long time, five or six years. This is the first one to be named after me. I’m stoked about that,” he said.

These crabs, the researchers noted were known to be extremely large, which gave them “significant advantages in competition and defense.” In addition, they were carnivorous, as evidenced by the exceptionally large claw, known as a cheliped.

"This is the largest fossil crab to have ever been discovered, which is fascinating," the study’s lead author told IFL Science. "But also, the discovery of its former habitat: sea-floor gas seeps, bringing CO2 and/or methane to the sediment-water interface, provided a warm and nutrient-rich environment rich in clams, snails, and smaller crabs. This formed the food source for these giant crabs. It is great to learn about former ecosystems."

Associate professor Nic Rawlence from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, also noted the importance of the discovery. “Taranaki around the Miocene into Pliocene era had this really rich biodiversity in the seas and on shore,” he said. “This discovery and others in Taranaki have shown us what was here in Taranaki during this time. It is truly a lost ecosystem.”